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Despre noi - TIM Legwear Bulgaria

TIM Ltd. LogoTIM Ltd. este cel mai mare producator de ciorapi pantalon, ciorapi, sosete, din fire poliamidice si elastan, pentru femei si copii din Bulgaria. Infiintata in 1993, firma TIM si-a extins in mod constant domeniul de activitate, acordand o importanta deosebita calitatii produselor si serviciilor sale pentru a raspunde eficient cerintelor beneficiarilor.
Designul diversificat al ciorapilor demonstreaza marea varietate de stiluri adoptata. Produsele sophisticate, tuseul rafinat si marea atentie la detalii, au generat si sustinut succesul deosebit al acestor ciorapi pe piata.
In ton cu tendintele, TIM Bulgaria a lansat o noua colectie de ciorapi , ce pastreaza calitatea TIM si care se adreseaza tuturor fetelor care se simt cool and trendy.


The company has its own design team to create the looks of the collections - from the product design to the package. The photographers and our models are giving the collections the artistic outside the ordinary look. The web designers make sure you are always up to date with the latest news and events.

New technologies are giving us the opportunity to be dynamic and precise in the design of our fashion collections, provoked by the worlds fashion tendencies. TIM keeps renovating and conserving its quality by following at the same time the variety and the trends of fashion.


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Adresa postala:
Borovo 7174

Office Phone: +359 888 339 261
Skype: tim-bulgaria

Adresa de Email: (in English)
Office: office at timlegwear dot com
Administrator: admin at panayotov dot com

Official websites: www.timlegwar.com


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Factory Equipment and Materials

Lonati ItalyTested for harmful substancesWe work with knitting machines mainly from the most reliable producer in the branch - Lonati S.P.A. Italy.
For straightening (ironing, boarding) we use premium automated Tecnopea Italymachines from Tecnopea Italy. For toe
closing we use machinery by Matec S.P.A Italy - Solis automat. And to make the products even more smoother and a real fine piece of workmanship the Lonati machines are equipped with elastane feeders by Memminger-iro.Matec Solis Automated Systems

The company is installed on a privately-owned industrial space.

The production is provided with modern and specialized instruments
of seam, dye works and ironing machines, allmanufactured in ItalyMemminger Iro Accessoires,
the bigger source of know-how of tights. Special spaces of storage
for the products exist also in various stages of production. The offices of the company are located in the same space in a friendly and familiar environment.

All of the products we produce are made in our own factories in Bulgaria. We also issue EUR.1 certificate to state that our products are manufactured in Bulgaria. All yarns we work with are tested for harmful substances and have a Oeko-Tex 100 certificate.


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